A lot of the time, what I think is going to be funny other people don’t. So when I’m posting something that isn’t that funny, sometimes I’m cracking up about it, and it’s just for me. I usually know when this is the case.

That Cat 2 parter was one of those.

I showed it to my wife, and she said, “I don’t get it.”

Realizing that if you have to explain a joke it’s probably not funny, I just chuckled to myself and walked away, to promptly upload the damn thing anyway…


Why would I do that?

Well, I guess it’s because I don’t owe anyone anything. I’m not beholden to anyone to make brilliant comics.

Sure, if I want people to come back and blah, blah, blah…

but come on… I’m doing this for me, and I hope people like them, sincerely, I do, but all I can do is draw or whatever and put them up.

I’ve made quite a few comics about this, even a few of my blog posts.

It’s a reoccurring theme, sure, it’s something I think about all the time, because I’m trying to evolve a lazy, apathetic comic into something that actually is saying something.

I feel like it’s close, for me, to actually having a voice that is saying something different.


For now, I’m just going to keep at it…