
I’ll probably draw a part 2 or something later.

It’s possible to feel two or more things at the same time.

I haven’t change my profile picture to a French flag. I like that other people are.

I don’t have to be mad at them, for me to choose not to opt in.

I can think that violence is terrible and still feel horrible that the terrorists won’t suffer enough.

I don’t want another war. But I don’t know how to make that happen. I do want justice, but that’s just a word.

Life is so complicated, and we all know it, and we still all behave like it’s mostly black and white.

I still love being alive. I still think we can all listen to each other, and live in peace. That will never go away.

Because… what’s the point of hate, anyway? It doesn’t make me feel good. I used to think it did. But I don’t want to be that person anymore.

So he’s gone.