no one cares




Alright, here’s the story… I acknowledge that no one listens. That when we say we’re listening, it’s either to someone we already agree with, or we just pretend to listen until we can interject our own opinion or “fact” into the argument.

I’m not going to say any of this for you. This is for me.

I don’t have answers. Well, not really, anyway.

Why do people feel the need to change #blacklivesmatter to #alllivesmatter? What is the point? Does anyone really think that the people saying that black lives matter don’t believe that all lives matter? Do they think that they’ve made some great point about they care more about saving everyone’s life rather than just black lives?

I mean, they’re missing the point, right? I’m not the only person who has said this, I know…

Changing it takes away the horror of what’s happening in this country… I would like to say right now, but I have a feeling it’s been happening for our entire history here.

Changing it takes something away from the protestors voice, and I think people are trying to do that on purpose.

Because “reverse racism” right? C’mon, right guys? I mean… wait, what does reverse racism even mean? Is that like how people say Asians are good at math? Because that’s just regular type racism, anyway.

Oh, you mean reverse racism is racism against white people.

Alright, alright… racism gets thrown around a lot these days. Well, I guess it’s been thrown around my whole life. Of course, I guess it couldn’t be possible that it’s because racism is really a problem in this country. I mean, c’mon… every person I’ve ever known. I mean, literally, every single person, has had to deal with racism. Either directly, or through friends and family.

Why are we even questioning it?

Of course, part of the answer there is certainly that we don’t like the idea of being called something so horrible. And I can understand that. I don’t want that label. I don’t want to be friends with people who have that label.

It’s kinda scary. It’s ok to admit it.

We have to move past that, and realize that people are living their lives under it. Hell, they’re having their lives cut short, even.

And, all we have to do…

is care.