Been doing a strip a day. Not all featuring our favorite city-destroy master of mayhem, buts that’s how it is. It’s got me thinking about doing other things every day. Like writing. Which, I mean, I should be practicing a lot more.


So this is me, doing that.


Let me talk a little bit about the strip I just uploaded, United.

I have a lot more to say about it, of course. I don’t normally like to say much, so you can kind of assume whatever you want to assume. At the end of the day, tho, I like to think my ideals add up to one simple thing. Kindness. No matter what. It’s really hard to live up to that, of course. I’m not very good at it, to be honest.

Not many people are. But I keep getting up and giving it another shot. Because that’s what you do.

This comic is about that, if nothing else. Failing at life, and getting back up, no matter what.

I mean, it’s about more than that.

That’s just a cool thing you’re supposed to say.